3D secret finally reveals…

Well my biggest personal project, exhibition etc. was finally revealed on Monday 4th of October. And I can not even express what a relief was that and how rewarding was to see more than 600 people coming, that all major TVs arrived and print, radio and web media as well. As I mentioned this project started as a final mayor project for my degree on London College of Fashion and more I researched about the 3D more I was into it and bigger the project was becoming.

For this project I didn’t want any compromises so I tired to outsource the most talented friends and very best coworkers from all the fields.

One of the biggest challenges was finding the best possible location, so I drove couple of hundreds kilometers all around the Slovenia to find exactly what I was looking for. In Slovenia I shoot in Rakov Škocjan and Osp. Both locations are accessible only on foot so there was quite an exercise to walk several times up and down the hill will all the gear.

Here you can see a short behind the scene video from our Slovenian shoots filmed and edited by Aleš Pirec.

Because of the concept of the website www.taste3d.com I really wanted the same models on both destinations. Nina & Nina were happy to come and shoot with me also in London so that was a blast. Finding the best location in London was much harder. Thx God I have walked, drove all around the London during this three years of studying so I knew many great locations. But the problem is that for every good location you either have to pay a lot (from 200 to 10.000 per day) or you need to fill in lots of papers to be able to shoot there, have an insurance for whole crew etc! On the end we ended up paying a bit for 2 locations and we shoot and run on other two locations.

But all the effort was payed off like I said. I got the highest mark for this, photos were exhibited in the exhibition on Carnaby street where only the best students from the whole University exhibited, the photo was the best selling photo on the class exhibition in Richard Young gallery… I managed to arrange the solo exhibition in Richard Young gallery and the exhibition organised by Slovene Embassy in London in the new Europe House next to the Big Ben early next year, fingers crossed on Fashion week in Bahrain. + amazing collaboration with Beyond the Valley that I wrote about already…. And this is only a start… 🙂

BUT… despite the fact you can see only my name under the photohraphs there were like I mentioned many many many talents involved. And I never trust to people saying fashion photography is not an art… There is just to much effort and hard work from so many talented  individuals involved (most of the time) to make one team art piece to ignore the extra value of this photos.

The biggest compliment I got was (as I already wrote on my facebook) from the cleaning lady. Just before leaving Kino Šiška I saw her in the middle of the photographs with 3d glasses on and I asked if she likes the photographs. She told me that she likes them so much that she comes everyday upstairs to watch them for couple of minutes.

And a quick answer to the question that I received about 100 times in the last couple of days… How do you do it…? 3d… Theoretically you need 2 cameras that are about 6,3 cm apart (as the average distance between human eyes), you take 2 photos at exactly same time and you merge them in special stereo software. Practically… well there is a lot of calculating, physics,mechanic, optics etc.knowledge  invoved to get a nice outcome… 🙂

So I would like to thank all the people that  shared my vision and helped me selfish less on this project.

3D mentor, partner, friend: Peter Gedei

Models: Nina Kanc & Nina Rozman

Stylists: Maja Lazar, Barbara Žgalin, Holly Carpenter & Michelle Ternovšek

Makeup Artists: Empera3zz, Špela Veble, Bella Simonsen & Ana Lazovski

Assistants: Uroš Žuraj, Marko Ocepek, Aleš Pirec, Matjaž Corel, Niklass, Benjamin Rančič

Print, design, website development!!!: Lovro Žitnik, Anže Doring-Mic, Jure Trilar & Primož Marn

My organisation crew: Copy Primož Jakin, PR Slavica (S-trga) Tucakov, Piera Ravnikar in fantastic Kino Šiška crew Kina Šiške (Borut, Matjaž, Matej, Uroš, Črt & co), DJ Šušu and Nati Katchi, ScenArt crew – Jos & co, Neli Štrukelj…

My sponsor friends:

Nikon guy-s: Tomaž Puh, Rok Gašparič, Tomo Vrešak

Telemach – Miha Kalan

Urbano pleme: Gregor Absinthe

Last but not least a big thank to: Dr. Jules in Mark Halden, Manja Plesnar, Irena Sirena, Nika Ravnik (Noika), Nika Urbas, Kaja Pogačar, Aleš Rosa, Svetlana Shaykhoun, Miloš Todorovič,Tibor Kranjc, Žiga Aljaž, Branislav Milošević, Miro Majcen, Matjaž Rušt, Anže Kokalj  and of course to Maja Cerar,  all the wonderful people that came to my exhibition and the people that I forgot to mention right now.

And one more time.. Check and play with the new site that I made in collaboration with NeoStudio –  www.taste3d.com! All the combinations are not working since I didnt have same clothes on all the locations..But you will figure it out…

First photo is by Mother tm, other photos above by Anže Kokalj Minusplusforward

Some more photo from the opening you can see also here:



~ by matjazz on October 6, 2010.

15 Responses to “3D secret finally reveals…”

  1. matjaz!
    CESTITAM za vse!!! obcudijem tvoje delo in sem vesela da si takooooo uspel!! na ogled razstave v sisko se pridem.. mi je zal, da se nisem uspela pofockat na otvoritvi..
    dobro luc se naprej!!!! SRECNO!

  2. OOooj Irenca! Škoda, da te ni bilo, it was fun! Uspel… No ja, vsake tolko pa že kaj uspe ja…Sej veš koliko časa se že trudimo… 🙂

  3. (as I already wrote on my facebook(or I just going to do)) I f….. like it!


  5. well done!!! impressive :)) x x

  6. Vrhunsko od začetka do fines! Lokalno sceno si razbil na prafaktorje. London pada naslednji ;).

  7. Matjaz, we casually found you in Rakov Skcjan: we are the italian speleos with sub-mute that compare in your video!
    Great work!

  8. hahaaa.. Sandro what a coincidence! 😀 How did you even found my blog?!… Check it again around 14th, when I am going to publish also photos from that shoot! 😉

  9. Hahahahaaa… Legendary! Yes, thats the cleaning lady that I was talking about! 😀

  10. I found your blog casually from a link to this page pubblished from Peter Gedei on his page in Facebook.
    I subscribe your blog, so I will notify when you’ll pubblish somethings new. Good work.

  11. Sem kar malo fouš tej gospej v Kinu Šiška, ki ima možnost te fotke dnevno opazovat! 🙂

    Meni so čist hude. Da ne govorim o sajtu. Hud koncept.

  12. Matjaž, čestitam! Na žalost me ni v Sloveniji, da bi si lahko razstavo tudi ogledala. lp, uspešno še naprej

  13. Matjaž, včeraj sem si ogledal razstavo, čeprav sem mislil da mi ne bo uspelo, amapk ko sem jo videl je bilo res vredno ogleda, ker sem v tvoje fotke “padel” in sem še vedno v njih. Vsa čast!

  14. Respect, mate! Na otvoritvi je bilo res hudo, okoli mene so bili vsi navdušeni 🙂 O sami razstavi pa ne bi izgubljal preveč besed – fenomenalno. Redkokdaj vidim, da tudi “nefotografski” folk tako zelo pade v fotke – nekateri znanci in kolegi so si res vzeli čas. Zdej pa … onwards and upwards:)

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