The Queen Beauty Editorial

So lets go back to fashion… Here you can see 4 photographs that were done with a great team – Kristina Vidic the amazing makeup artist, model – Thyria, assistant -. Andraž Blaznik, graphics – Žiga Artnak and retouching Mr. B. Photographs are published in April issue of Modna magazine.

Inspiration for this shoot were queens and kings heads on the coins. All the patterns were done by hand, no Photoshop of what so ever!

I used a flash with a grid straight from front of the model, 2 flash heads that lit the background and couple of flashes for back light.

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~ by matjazz on May 3, 2010.

15 Responses to “The Queen Beauty Editorial”

  1. omg ko sem pa tole zagledal v Modni sem pa samo :OOOO
    HUDO dobro vse skupaj, sploh make up… bravo!

  2. Thx Matjaz! Potem primerjave fotičev vendarle nisem objavil..Mi ni uspelo sestavit ene pametne primerjave, da bi bila res waaaaw… 🙂

  3. sem že mislil vprašat kdaj bo online… 🙂 škoda; bi znalo biti zelo poučno oz. zanimivo 🙂

  4. Hudo dobr!

  5. looks goood !

  6. M Corel and Jaki… Thx! 🙂 Mal drugače kot ponavadi…

  7. Laajkaaam! 😉

  8. Danes si pa na hitro skoz pršu, a? 😉 No sam da lajkaš! 🙂

  9. Love this!! Fantastic idea executed so so well. Well done to all of you who brought this innovative idea to life

  10. On Natalie, I am glad u like it! Thx!

  11. Ej hude fotke.. ful huda ideja in realizacija! 😉

  12. Super ideja, odličen rezultat!

  13. Lenart and Gregor… CHEERS! Malo smo se spravil eksperimentirat, da se 1x naredi mal drugače… In na srečo je eksperiment uspel… 🙂

  14. yupeyyy!! xxx
    teh pa se nisem vidla 🙂

  15. Zelo zanimiv blog 🙂
    Najboljsi zastonj porno posnetki

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